Holden Manz Wine Estate

a franschhoek hotel & spa like no other, the holden manz guest house is located on a small, verdant estate at the edge of the quaint boland town of franschhoek. the property was turned into a wine estate in 1999.

a feng shui consultant angled the building in a northwesterly direction to ensure an uninhibited flow of chi. according to the consultant, the holden manz manor house is one of the most ideal places one could ever live. the farm is nestled between the franschhoek and stony brook rivers, the latter of which runs dry for six months of the year. at the convergence of these two rivers lies ‘the dragon’, a large rock which according to feng shui principles, bounces good chi back upon the estate. on the other side of the estate, the franschhoek mountains keep watch. look closely and you’ll see the outlines of a majestic elephant head, with its watchful eye in the mountainside.

add to all of this the sparse elegance of the house’s cape dutch architecture and a prevailing sense of tranquility and quiet splendor and you get one of the most inviting franschhoek hotel & spas around.

Booking Information
Telephone: +27 (0)21 876 2738
Email: guesthouse@holdenmanz.com
Website: Visit Website

More Information
Distance to town: 2
Maximum Guests: 14
Rooms: 7
Check-in Time: 14pm
Check-out Time: 11am


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Develop and implement marketing plans to profile the Franschhoek Wine Valley

Arrange and advertise events that support the Franschhoek Wine Valley brand image and which encourage visitors to the Valley

Represent the business interests of our members to the Stellenbosch Municipality

Aggregate the combined buying power of our members to leverage economy of scale benefits from service providers

Coordinate free advisory services and discussion forums to support our member’s businesses


TripAdvisor’s Travellers’ Choice Awards
2020 – Top 25 Emerging Worldwide
Destinations (15th position).

Tripadvisor Traveller’s Choice Destination
Winner 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015

Most Memorable Wine Route 2014, 2013
& 2012

Service Excellence Award – 2015

Best Tourism Event 2015 – Franschhoek
Bastille Festival

Best Local Tourism Authority Information
service 2013 & 2012


Certain establishments in Franschhoek may levy visitors with voluntary contributions towards the running of the FWV and to support local charities. Should visitors not wish to contribute to these causes, please indicate this to the relevant merchant.


Maintenance & validity of all business operating permits, licences and registration certificates are the responsibility of the business owner. Franschhoek Wine Valley takes no responsibility for the renewal of the required legal business operating documentation


Franschhoek Wine Valley

Physical Address
66B Huguenot Road

Office hours

Monday to Friday: 08h00 – 17h00
Saturday: 09h00 – 16h00
Sunday: 09h00 – 14h00

Festive Season Closures

Closing at 12pm on 16 December
Closing on 25 December
Closing on 26 December
Closing on 1 January

Contact Details

Whatsapp: +27(0) 66 224 6360

Call +27(0) 78 990 5810

Email: info@franschhoek.org.za